I’m Full-Time Traveling in 2025 at 24

In 2019 I got my first credit card. I had just turned 19 years old with no job and my mom even had to cosign for the application to be approved. My dad would tell me here and there about the importance of building credit early on. I thought nows the time. It was a simple credit union credit card that I used ocassionally. Charging small payments of $10 here and there to build credit. Like most, I saw credit cards as debt builders, only used by people who couldn’t afford an item, or used during times of emergency. I was mistaken. I had no idea of the full-scope of the credit card rabbit hole. I have a crazy uncle, or who my dad thought was a little crazy. He’d go on about his airline miles or how he’d take random flights for his his airline schemes. His grandchildren would get a trip to Hawaii here and there. This was a common occurance throughout my childhood and I was always slightly intrigued. However, being a child it only kept my interest for so long as children cannot open credit (lol). I’d always ask my dad why Uncle Steve did the things he did. My dad always answered “I don’t know anything about it, but he sure is deep in it.” The answers from my father were always disastisfying and led me to dismiss these mile schemes too.

However, I am adventurous and a risk taker. My dad while not like that at all, comes from people who are always doing something funny. His father did a variety of things from flying planes, raising chickens, bringing home orphaned bear cubs, or buying a sapphire mine (lol). So somewhere in my heart I knew I’d find myself looking back to credit cards. I think what really inspired me to finally start researching credit cards was watching travel vloggers like Kara and Nate. I thought their lifestyle while stressful, was exhilarating! I wanted to try a life like that too. I began watching videos from credit card youtubers, reading forms, blog posts, and browsing credit issuers websites. I started to become familiar with all things points and miles. I also started applying for cards strategically. Every credit approval would fill me with dopamine. Every approval meant another trip to another destination! Thinking about credit cards was what got me through the mundaneness of University. I knew at the end I’d be free to travel where I’d like. I desperately craved a life full of excitement, spontanaity, and something more meaningful. Now finally this year I get to experience the fruits of my 5 years of labor.

I want to share my adventures with anyone willing to listen. I’ll be writing about my travels on this blog and streaming it on twitch. I’ll also try and post some shorts too. I’ve always been a reserved and private person. But after some self-reflecting, I think I’ve wanted to show the world myself for a very long time. I’ve never understood that people want to see me, hear from me, or share in this wonderful journey with me! I hope I can offer you a unique experience through my lens, Roslyn. Please come again 😃!

Roslyn’s Room

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